Autism Anglia is an independent charity that provides care and support to autistic children, adults, and their families in East Anglia. Autism Anglia offers personalised approaches that give individuals using their services the necessary skills to realise their strengths and abilities. Whilst offering these support services and care Autism Anglia aims to promote greater knowledge and understanding of autism through training and education programmes and by supplying vital information to the public and fellow professionals.

Autism Anglia offers an extensive array of support services and education to individuals with autism. They came to Vantage looking for a tool to securely, effectively and efficiently manage the magnitude of data that co-exists with the caring and support of a large number of individuals. We spoke with Autism Anglia’s IT Manager, Dan McCullagh, to get his thoughts on why Vantage was a perfect fit for the organisation.
“Autism Anglia were looking for a tool to record and manage our Incident and Safeguarding forms and workflows…“
“…our management team was astounded by the flexibility of the system and the range of other information it could be used to record.”
Other reasons for choosing Vantage “include the ability to save drafts of incomplete forms and return to them, easy-to-use reporting tools, a highly configurable module builder, and email triggers for workflows. Several of the templates were also a huge benefit as we got started.“
“Looking back, there were no hidden costs during implementation. We agreed on the price and since then, everything has been included in the subscription”
How Vantage have helped Autism Anglia
We were keen to understand how our Enterprise Software had improved Autism Anglia’s efficiencies and organisational processes and how much of an impact it has had on the organisation:
Have you improved efficiencies within your charity since purchasing Vantage’s Enterprise Software, and if so in which areas?
“Massively! Aside from reducing our paper and printing costs, we’ve now got easy access to so much reportable data. Vantage encourages us to ask specific questions and as we can report on any field, we can interrogate our recorded information in ways that would have been beyond time-consuming before. What proportion of behavioural incidents results in an injury? How were day-to-day decisions made regarding each person we support? Does each service have sufficient time and resources allocated for activities? How quickly do our teams respond when a need is identified? It’s not that we weren’t doing these things before, but having the data and reports means we can quickly demonstrate how we’re achieving our targets.”
“…the flexibility that comes with Vantage was a huge bonus, as is having the full suite of graphical and tabular reporting tools included as standard.”
Before implementing our Enterprise Software, Autism Anglia were recording and managing their incidents and daily records using paper-based forms; with the introduction of our software Autism Anglia were able to cut their printing costs and benefit from excellent savings:
“Autism Anglia has saved on producing our previous paper-based processes. Just one process involved several double-sided forms per person we support per day or more than 20,000 prints per month. This reduction has offset most of the costs of Vantage. All the other datasets we use Vantage for are effectively free to us!”
Whilst benefitting from financial savings and improved organisational processes and efficiencies, Autism Anglia were able to implement the system with ease and take advantage of the ease of use our Enterprise Software offers!
“Vantage is one of the most user-friendly systems I’ve ever used. For our staff team, less than 5 people have needed anything more than a quick-start session… As I’ve said to many on our team, if you can complete an online shopping order, Vantage is easy.”

Implementing our Enterprise software has allowed Autism Anglia to focus on the important care and support they provide to so many:
“Digitising our information processes is proving revolutionary for us. Along with improved GDPR compliance and better access to data reports…“
“With these records, we’re able to demonstrate many of the ‘little things’ that our teams do every day to improve the lives of the people Autism Anglia cares for.”
We’re proud to work with our customers and help organisations like Autism Anglia improve their data management procedures. If you would like to learn more about how we’re working alongside and helping other organisations like Autism Anglia improve their data management procedures, visit the link below.