We recently held an insightful webinar in partnership with Jan Noble, the Director of Quality and Innovation at St Christopher’s Hospice. The webinar delved into the CQC’s new single assessment framework, St Christopher’s Hospice’s journey toward CQC compliance, and their use of Vantage Software to develop a robust compliance strategy that helped them achieve an ‘Outstanding’ rating.
Discover below a summary of the webinar and snippets highlighting the key discussion areas. These include:
- An overview of the CQC’s new single assessment framework and its application in assessing care.
- How St Christopher’s Hospice has utilised Vantage Software to ensure compliance by effectively managing incidents, risks, feedback, and more.
- How Vantage Software has been able to grow and adapt to the evolving compliance needs of St Christopher’s Hospice.
- Quick tips from Jan Noble on preparing for the CQC.
You can watch the full webinar with Jan Noble here to learn more about St Christopher’s Hospice’s CQC compliance journey and how they used Vantage software to achieve an ‘Outstanding’ rating.
The CQC’s New Assessment Framework
The CQC recently introduced its new single assessment framework, retaining its four key questions—Safe, Effective, Caring, Responsive, and Well-Led—as the core of its approach. However, the framework now includes six new evidence categories.
At the beginning of the session, Jan Noble provides an overview of the new framework, each of these categories, and how Vantage Software supports St. Christopher’s Hospice in demonstrating compliance.
The Importance of Incident Management
Effective incident management and response to patient safety events are crucial for ensuring CQC compliance. Jan Noble demonstrates how Vantage software supports St. Christopher’s Hospice’s ‘no blame’ culture, promoting the reporting of and learning from accidents, incidents, and near misses.
By incorporating clear action planning into their incident management module, St. Christopher’s can effectively resolve and learn from their incident data, ensuring ongoing compliance with CQC standards.
The Role of Feedback in Ensuring Compliance
Collecting, analysing, and learning from feedback from staff, service users, and external stakeholders is critical to the CQC’s new single assessment framework.
By utilising the complaints and compliments modules, St. Christopher’s Hospice has refined its previously inefficient feedback management processes and can now gather timely and information-rich feedback evidence ready for CQC inspection.
How Vantage has Expanded at St Christopher’s
By utilising the Vantage One Licence, St. Christopher’s Hospice has expanded its use of Vantage Software across numerous CQC compliance processes.
From managing clinical audits to staying compliant with the latest medical devices and drug safety alerts, Jan Noble demonstrates how Vantage Software has been able to adapt to meet St Christopher’s evolving requirements and facilitated improvements in its existing processes.
Preparing for CQC Inspection & Assessment
At the end of the webinar, Jan Noble shares some valuable tips that healthcare organisations can implement to prepare for the CQC’s assessment and inspection of a service.
Jan emphasises the importance of thoroughly documenting and evidencing examples of good practice and demonstrating how lessons learned from complaints or incidents have led to organisational improvements. This evidence assures the CQC that quality, patient-centred care is a top priority.