Risk, Safety and Incident Management

Incident Management

Effectively record, manage and report on your organisation’s incidents.

Health & Safety

Record retrieve and investigate health and safety procedures with ease.

Risk Management

Effectively manage all your organisations risks in one central location with ease.

Risk Assessment

Efficiently create, review and manage risk assessments in one location.

Compliance, Audit, Performance and Quality Management

Audit & Quality Management

Remain compliant with regulations without the use of multiple systems.

Performance Management

Effectively manage your performance, targets and KPI’s.

Complaints Management

Effectively record and act upon complaints in a timely manner.

Compliments Management

Manage, store and share customer compliments all in one location.


Efficiently track, prioritise, and action support requests.

Central Alerts System

Automatically receive, store and manage important safety alerts.

CQC Compliance

Manage and store all your CQC evidence and ensure compliance.

Policy Management

Expertly manage all of your organisations policies and procedures.

Contract Management

Expertly manage all of your contracts in one location.

Freedom to Speak Up

Manage concerns and promote a culture of transparency.

Information Governance

Manage information and ensure compliance.

Training Management

Ensure your staff are kept up-to-date with essential training.

Practices & Privileges

Remain compliant and ensure safe practice as a healthcare provider.

Subject Access Request

Streamline your SAR process and improve compliance.

Fire Safety Assessments

Manage assessments and improve your fire safety procedures.

DSE Assessments

Manage all your display screen equipment (DSE) assessments.

Business, Facility and Asset Management

Facilities Management

Monitor and manage the maintenance and status of your facilities.

Asset Management

Keep a detailed register of your assets and their ongoing maintenance.

Volunteer Management

Manage the details of your organisation’s volunteers with ease.

Event Management

Streamline the planning and execution of your organisation’s events.

Contractor Management

Expertly manage contractor details and their certifications.

Vehicle & Machine Management

Optimise the regular maintenance of your vehicles and machinery.

Portable Appliance Testing (PAT)

Manage your appliance testing and maintenance.

Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM)

Ensure essential maintenance is scheduled ahead of time.

Surveys & Feedback Management

Create, distribute, and manage surveys to gain meaningful feedback for your organisation.

Safeguarding and Community Safety Management

ASB Case Management

Effectively manage ASB cases on a secure and easy to use platform.

Allegation Management

Record, manage and track alleged offenders and incidents effectively.

CDOP Data Management

Securely record and manage sensitive data.

Domestic Violence Management

Assess risk and provide support to victims.

Offender Data Management

Securely record and manage sensitive data, from low to high-risk offenders.

Safeguarding Management

Securely manage and implement effective safeguarding practices and procedures.

LADO Data Management

Effectively and securely manage all LADO cases and offer the best protection required.

Community Safety Management

Help communities be and feel safe by effectively managing community data.